
Sono stati tanti i ringraziamenti e le manifestazioni di stima che medici e responsabili delle diverse associazioni europee hanno inviato alla nostra Associazione a conclusione dei lavori del Congresso Europeo.

Ne pubblichiamo alcuni, affinché tutte le persone che, anche con un piccolo contributo, hanno collaborato alla buona riuscita della manifestazione, possano partecipare alla soddisfazione degli organizzatori e del Comitato Scientifico.



Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

back in Paris, I want to thank you warmly on behalf of the French Association for such a good congress.

For my part, I was glad to follow all the presentations (which I could not do in Paris).

I was also very moved by the opening movie as the story of your daughter echoed in a very similar way with the story of my own daughter Agathe.

I hope you have good returns of the congress as I know it is a hell of a lot of work and people do not quite realise how much involvement it means.

I left as the debate on the database was raging but I hope the aim has been achieved in the end.

Thank you for all the work done for the cause of the SR and thank you for your very kind welcome in the beautiful city of Milano.

Best regards,

Martine Gaudy

Associazione Rett Francia




Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

Thank you so much for inv?ting us to a very important and informative conference that was so well planned. It was so well organized and I personally appreciated all the promptness There is so much energy in Europe and wonderful work that is being done there Congratulations!!

Best regards to all,

Prof. Budden

Oregon University, Usa




Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

We couldn’t say goodbye to both of you because we had to catch a plane to Holland. We like to thank you for organizing the 1st European Congress on Rett Syndrome. It was very informative and nice to meet you and all those new people.

Kind regards,

Rob van der Stel and Nathalie Bouwman

Associazione Rett Olanda



Thank you Oliviero,

though I don’t fully understand it, it seems to be a very positive feedback about the conference!

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you, Lucia and all others on the organizing committee for all your tireless hard work and the wonderful job you have done prior and during the conference – you were absolutely fantastic and the additional programs of the two dinners were also unforgettable!

Have a wonderful day!

Tabai Éva

Associazione Rett Ungheria



Dear Lucia,

Thank you and the AIR for this great meeting. I think it worked very well and I look forward to future European meetings on Rett syndrome that bring families together with professionals.

Best wishes,

Angus Clarke

Gran Bretagna



Dear Lucia, dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for organizing this Rett syndrome congress and the opportunity you gave us to start new european actions. I am convinced that we have started a move that will gain in strenght during the next months in order to build a unified and strong group of european professionals dedicated to Rett syndrome research and care.

The european database and board issues are particularly important and you will have played an important role for their future achievements.

Thank you again. Best regards,

Dr. Laurent Villard




Dear Oliviero and Lucia,

just wanted to say a huge “thank you” to you both again for organising the conference. It was so well attended and the organisation was brilliant.

I’ve returned home tired but full of new ideas and things to share.

Well done to you both. With love,

Yvonne Milne

RSE Regno Unito



Thank you for this. I had a wonderful time and came away with several new collaborative partners.

I found the presentations to be very exciting and I learned a lot of new information. I know that my colleques in Canada will follow the activities of AIR.

Good luck.

Prof. MacLeod




Gent.ma Sig.ra Dovigo,

complimenti per il successo del Congresso da voi così bene organizzato: i riscontri sono stati tutti grandemente favorevoli!! è un riconoscimento al grande impegno dedicato da voi.

Prof. Enrica Riva

Ospedale San Paolo, Milano



Dear Lucia,

I’m very happy to have been a member of the congress. I have made several interesting contacts with fruitful discussions.

Thanks again for invited me to the congress!


Dr. Eva-Lena Larsson




Dear Lucia,

Thanks so very much for writing to me.

So pleased to receive your letter and to hear that the program was considered so successful.

I also really enjoyed my visit to Sao Paolo Hospital and meeting all the girls and their families.

It was a wonderful experience for me.

I do hope that we can keep in contact with the AIR and have successful research collaborations with Italy.

Kind regards,

Dr. Helen Leonard




Cara Signora Dovigo,

è stato un vero piacere prendere parte al Convegno organizzato da Lei e dall’AIR a Milano.

Il convegno è stato di qualità molto elevata e credo che rappresenti un contributo importante per far avanzare ulteriormente le conoscenze su questa malattia e portarci più vicino a cure più efficaci. E’ stata anche un’occasione per conoscerci meglio sul campo tra genitori e professionisti oltre che di rivedersi e in qualche caso conoscersi per la prima volta tra professionisti stessi di vari Paesi del mondo.

Posso aggiungere che sia nell’aula del convegno che nelle varie occasioni sociali sono nati spontaneamente altri spunti di nuovi lavori collaborativi.

L’impegno dei genitori è stato meraviglioso e splendide le due serate, quella in giro per Milano sul tram e la finale al Circolo Ufficiali. La ringrazio vivamente e le invio i miei più cordiali saluti

Prof. Michele Zappella




Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

back in Paris, I want to thank you warmly on behalf of the French Association for such a good congress.

For my part, I was glad to follow all the presentations (which I could not do in Paris).

I was also very moved by the opening movie as the story of your daughter echoed in a very similar way with the story of my own daughter Agathe.

I hope you have good returns of the congress as I know it is a hell of a lot of work and people do not quite realise how much involvement it means.

I left as the debate on the database was raging but I hope the aim has been achieved in the end.

Thank you for all the work done for the cause of the SR and thank you for your very kind welcome in the beautiful city of Milano.

Best regards,

Martine Gaudy

Associazione Rett Francia



Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

Thank you so much for inv?ting us to a very important and informative conference that was so well planned. It was so well organized and I personally appreciated all the promptness There is so much energy in Europe and wonderful work that is being done there Congratulations!!

Best regards to all,

Prof. Budden

Oregon University, Usa



Dear Lucia and Oliviero,

We couldn’t say goodbye to both of you because we had to catch a plane to Holland. We like to thank you for organizing the 1st European Congress on Rett Syndrome. It was very informative and nice to meet you and all those new people.

Kind regards,

Rob van der Stel and Nathalie Bouwman

Associazione Rett Olanda



Thank you Oliviero,

though I don’t fully understand it, it seems to be a very positive feedback about the conference!

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you, Lucia and all others on the organizing committee for all your tireless hard work and the wonderful job you have done prior and during the conference – you were absolutely fantastic and the additional programs of the two dinners were also unforgettable!

Have a wonderful day!

Tabai Éva

Associazione Rett Ungheria



Dear Lucia,

Thank you and the AIR for this great meeting. I think it worked very well and I look forward to future European meetings on Rett syndrome that bring families together with professionals.

Best wishes,

Angus Clarke

Gran Bretagna



Dear Lucia, dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for organizing this Rett syndrome congress and the opportunity you gave us to start new european actions. I am convinced that we have started a move that will gain in strenght during the next months in order to build a unified and strong group of european professionals dedicated to Rett syndrome research and care.

The european database and board issues are particularly important and you will have played an important role for their future achievements.

Thank you again. Best regards,

Dr. Laurent Villard




Dear Oliviero and Lucia,

just wanted to say a huge “thank you” to you both again for organising the conference. It was so well attended and the organisation was brilliant.

I’ve returned home tired but full of new ideas and things to share.

Well done to you both. With love,

Yvonne Milne

RSE Regno Unito



Thank you for this. I had a wonderful time and came away with several new collaborative partners.

I found the presentations to be very exciting and I learned a lot of new information. I know that my colleques in Canada will follow the activities of AIR.

Good luck.

Prof. MacLeod




Gent.ma Sig.ra Dovigo,

complimenti per il successo del Congresso da voi così bene organizzato: i riscontri sono stati tutti grandemente favorevoli!! è un riconoscimento al grande impegno dedicato da voi.

Prof. Enrica Riva

Ospedale San Paolo, Milano



Dear Lucia,

I’m very happy to have been a member of the congress. I have made several interesting contacts with fruitful discussions.

Thanks again for invited me to the congress!


Dr. Eva-Lena Larsson




Dear Lucia,

Thanks so very much for writing to me.

So pleased to receive your letter and to hear that the program was considered so successful.

I also really enjoyed my visit to Sao Paolo Hospital and meeting all the girls and their families.

It was a wonderful experience for me.

I do hope that we can keep in contact with the AIR and have successful research collaborations with Italy.

Kind regards,

Dr. Helen Leonard




Cara Signora Dovigo,

è stato un vero piacere prendere parte al Convegno organizzato da Lei e dall’AIR a Milano.

Il convegno è stato di qualità molto elevata e credo che rappresenti un contributo importante per far avanzare ulteriormente le conoscenze su questa malattia e portarci più vicino a cure più efficaci. E’ stata anche un’occasione per conoscerci meglio sul campo tra genitori e professionisti oltre che di rivedersi e in qualche caso conoscersi per la prima volta tra professionisti stessi di vari Paesi del mondo.

Posso aggiungere che sia nell’aula del convegno che nelle varie occasioni sociali sono nati spontaneamente altri spunti di nuovi lavori collaborativi.

L’impegno dei genitori è stato meraviglioso e splendide le due serate, quella in giro per Milano sul tram e la finale al Circolo Ufficiali. La ringrazio vivamente e le invio i miei più cordiali saluti

Prof. Michele Zappella



To: Prof Edvige Veneselli, UO di Neuropsichiatra Infantile, Istituto G Gastini – Geneva, Italy


Copy: Lucia Dovigo Dell’Oro, Presidente AIR

Dear Edvige

On behalf of the Board of Rett Syndrome Europe and of all the families from 37 countries in Europe, I would like to address our warm thanks and our congratulations to the scientific committee for the great success of the “première”. Our fiends from AIR did a remarkable work to set up this meeting in a perfect co-operation with the faculty and with a touch of Italian “brotherhood”.

I know how difficult it is to organise such an important meeting with a short time. The key take home messages I do have are


  1. The quality of the program
  2. The openness to give to parents a voice throughout the program
  3. The quality of the contacts during the 3 days allowing all actors to be so close
  4. The friendship of the scientific committee members
  5. The willingness for international collaborations


This visible partnership between healthcare professionals and parents is the cornerstone to progress together in the near future for a real main therapeutic discovery for all the children with Rett Syndrome.

Will you be our ambassador to forward to all the physicians and researchers working with you on the program the warm greetings from Rett Syndrome Europe.

We will keep in touch for a sustainable co-operation.

Warm Regards


Gerard Nguyen
